Marble Restoration & Stone Care Service

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Marble Crystallization, Grinding and Polishing

Marble is the floor covering used in places of intensive people traffic, like shopping centers, offices, hotels. The noble appearance of marble requires special care: over time, the stone loses its luster, the surface becomes entangled with a network of scratches. Modern cleaning technologies – crystallization, polishing, grinding – allow you to return the stone to its original appearance. The crystallization of marble allows the stone to give a natural shine.

What is marble crystallization?

Marble crystallization is a technology that uses the thermochemical interaction of the crystallizer and marble, which allows the stone to give a natural deep shine (high light reflection coefficient), increase its strength and water resistance, and increase its wear resistance. Crystallizer – a powdery or liquid slightly acidic substance used in the crystallization of marble.

What is marble grinding?

Marble polishing is a cleaning technology using a mechanical process: the surface of the marble is treated with special grinding abrasives. Grinding marble allows you to even out the level of marble slabs, and then restore the original image to the stone and give it shine.

What is marble polishing?

Marble polishing is a cleaning technology that uses a mechanical process: the surface of marble using machines is treated with special polishing powders and pastes. Polishing marble is the final leveling of the work surface, it allows you to make a marble coating almost mirror.

Crystallization, polishing, and grinding services

We offer services for the care of marble floors in rooms of any size – from shopping centers to the apartments. The combination of modern technology, quality chemistry, and extensive experience gives excellent results. Our experts will restore the former shine of marble.

The main methods of working with such coatings are as follows:

 – Dry cleaning and applying a protective polymer varnish with subsequent polishing.

 – Marble processing with a fine-grained diamond tool followed by crystallization (surface light grinding occurs with the formation of marble powder, which is chemically oxidized and crystallizes at high temperature into an oxide film that is integral with marble, but having high hardness and water-repellent properties).

 – Grinding worn marble floors (using a deeper grinding (6-7 grit numbers) with a diamond tool and crystallization to obtain a mirror-like, durable and waterproof surface).

Over time, the marble floor loses its luster, in places where people often walked, micro-scratches appear. In this case, you can restore the original shine and beauty of the floor by polishing marble.

Polishing of marble floors may include: leveling grinding, jointing and repairing joints, restoration or treatment of chips and other damage, strengthening, grinding, polishing, crystallization and coating with special protective compounds.

Leveling marble

If the floor has not previously been polished or during operation deep bumps and elevations have formed, polishing of marble requires preliminary leveling grinding. It is made by processing with rough abrasives. During grinding, the floor becomes completely flat, which creates a monolithic look and makes cleaning easier. Alignment polishing of marble is necessary if the floor was laid from tiles with factory polishing and was not re-polished. In the case of a new floor, if the customer requires that the floor would look like one monolith. It must be borne in mind that a significant layer of material, up to 3 millimeters, grinds when grinding. This is not always justified, especially if marble tiles are thin.

Stitching and seams sealing

In the case of the old floor, the seams between the tiles are knocked out and filled with dirt. There are different approaches to sealing joints. The easiest way to embroider the seams and close up with regular grout. This method is good in that it is not necessary to embroider the seams well and it does not matter what glue the tile is laid on. The result is reliable and accurate. Another way is to embroider the seams and seal them with two-component adhesive for further polishing the floor. The seams are smooth, polished and have depth, that is, translucent, like a stone. In this case, it is especially important that the tile is laid on a special, non-soiling glue and that in the process of work the ideal cleanliness is observed. In the case of the old floor, it is mandatory to stitch the seams with a drill, and in the case of the new floor, it is either necessary to lay the tiles under the cross, or if the tiles are laid without seams,

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  • Marble Crystallization, Grinding and Polishing
    ABC Stone Inc. is a professional stone restoration company based in New York. We are specializing in natural and artificial stone restoration in many applications such as floors, walls, tabletops, countertops, showers, bathrooms, fireplaces, etc.