Marble Restoration & Stone Care Service

From Complex Restoration To Simple Polishing

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Marble Table Laminating/Coating

The relatively new trend in tabletop designing is laminating*; the undoubted leader in manufacturing such tables is Saarinen or Knoll.

Using laminated tabletops gives you several advantages. They are less prone to staining and etching. They are more durable and will give you more value for money. They are acid resistant and thus enable you to use them for work surfaces as well.

However, as we know nothing in this world is safe from damage and laminated marble is part of the group. In years the coated finish can begin peeling off, chipping, yellowing, and scratching.

So contact us if there are the slightest of problems and we’ll reach you and give you an estimate.  Table laminating or restoration can be done on-premises or on our site.

*Table laminating is applying a layer of polyurethane enamel with a clear finish, also known as liquid glass or clear epoxy coating.

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