Marble Restoration & Stone Care Service

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Marble Chemical Cleaning

Marble is one of the most beautiful materials that can be used in the home or office. Caring for your marble properly will help to keep it looking beautiful and will also help it to last much longer, keeping replacement costs down. There are several tips and techniques you can use to keep your marble in good condition.

Basic Maintenance

In order to keep your marble in good condition, you should employ marble cleaning on a regular basis. You can clean marble with warm water and a soft cloth to avoid scratches and keep the surfaces clean. If there is a heavy amount of soiling, you can also use a marble detergent along with a soft cloth to wipe away dirt without damaging the marble surface. In order to maintain your marble in top condition, you should wipe up spills immediately and use coasters on furniture made from marble so that rings and other stains can be avoided.

Marble cleaning can be done at home with some cleaners and water but most of the time in case of deep stains or spills which have been left on the surface for a long time these methods just won’t help you for the desired results. Sometimes it happens when you don’t have time to clean your marble in a short time after a party.

We employ methods using chemicals that are not harmful to the marble surface and will not react in any unpleasant way. So we generally stick to materials that are friendly with your stone when it comes to cleaning.

The use of strong and harsh chemicals will perhaps do marble cleaning with ease but it also can etch a surface.

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