Marble Restoration & Stone Care Service

From Complex Restoration To Simple Polishing

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Marble & Granite Cracks Repair in New York

It may not seem so but marble can be really crackable and for that matter any kind of natural stone is. Since they are exposed to use every day they tend to be neglected.

Once you have decided to restore, we can quickly make all necessary repairs. The cracks, chips, or deepest scratches can be filled to hide them. Large pieces of broken marble may be replaced with matching marble.

We can perfectly match the finish on your new marble with the finish on your existing marble to ensure that the marble crack repair is not obvious. Many restoration services also provide polishing of the repaired marble in addition to the basic repairs. This additional touch can help your marble look brand new in a matter of hours.

We’ll fill up crack and splits that threaten to spoil your beautiful natural stone. When it comes to filling in big cracks we opt for a material which is generally referred to as two components epoxy. This is like normal epoxy but with a greater power of joining the cracks.

However, we want to do the work from scratch and hence we do not directly start off by using epoxy to solidify the seams on tabletops or floors. We first clean out all the dirt which has accumulated in those little areas for they might hamper the task of joining the pieces together.

After the cleaning is complete we fill in the gaps with epoxy so that the cracks do not grow deeper and your marble remains free of cracks. We will also match the color of the marble so that the color of the epoxy and that of marble look similar and virtually invisible. We will get your marble cracks repair done with ease and that too effectively.

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